Maureen Healy is a sought-after speaker, educator and expert in children’s emotional health. She writes a popular blog for Psychology Today, which has reached millions worldwide. Maureen’s most recent book, The Emotionally Healthy Child (preface from Dalai Lama), won the Nautilus Book Award, Book Excellence and Foreward Indie in 2019.
With 15+ years of experience, Maureen has guided 1000’s of parents and their children, worked with educators globally, taught in the classroom, and given keynote talks throughout North America, Europe and Asia. She’s also appeared across all media outlets such as: ABC’s “Midday Live” in San Francisco, YPO and Forbes, PBS’s “This Emotional Life” series, and Scholastic magazine, as examples.
Maureen’s educational credentials include a BA and MBA from Clark University in Worcester, MA and a PhD program in Child Clinical Psychology at Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara, CA. Additionally, Maureen has studied with happiness teachers globally, which has bolstered her joy immensely. She says, “Life is never boring,” especially as she continues to learn from every experience she has and person she meets.
- Psychology Today called Maureen in 2009 (way back when!) and asked if she’d like to blog. She said, “yes” and then called her sister asking: “What’s a blog?”
- Maureen has a sign in her office that says, “I walked on fire. I know I can do anything!” She’s literally walked on fire more than 7 times, and her feet never got burned.
- In 2007, Maureen lived at the Base of the Himalayas teaching kindergarten to Tibetan refugee children and studying with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in his temple with many others.
- Maureen’s first job is extinct now, but she had a paper route and delivered the local paper, Newsday, by bicycle!